Man furious that Lidl has not installed bins next to 'dumping ground' flowerbed

Shirley man on a mission to keep flowerbed tidy outside Lidl, ‘who don’t do anything’ <i>(Image: Matt Davey)</i>
Shirley man on a mission to keep flowerbed tidy outside Lidl, ‘who don’t do anything’ (Image: Matt Davey)

A Southampton man has called on his local supermarket to see through its promise of installing bins next to a flowerbed that had become a dumping ground for rubbish.

Member of Shirley and Freemantle Watch, Tony Weafer, had spent over a year helping to remove the rubbish from the flowerbed having repeatedly asked Lidl on Shirley Road to install bins next to the green space for customers and passers-by to use.

Last month, the store confirmed that two bins would be installed by the litter hotspot.

However over one month on there are no bins in sight, with members of staff continually removing waste from the flowerbed in their own time.

“There’s still no bins at all,” said Tony, who regularly walks past the shop.

“The community is now waiting for Lidl to act on its promise that will help keep the area tidy and hopefully educate those who have been mistreating it.”

Having been contacted by the Echo for an update, a spokesperson for Lidl said: “We can confirm that one bin has already been installed next to the flower beds.

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“The store is expecting another to be delivered in the coming week – unfortunately, there was a slight delay on the supplier’s end.

“The store team regularly checks the flower beds that are next to the busy high street where rubbish is not always disposed of correctly by passers-by.”

However, certain that no bins had been placed outside the store, Tony asked the store management about the matter.

He said he was told one bin had indeed been delivered to the premises, but that the store manager had been away, and it wouldn’t be moved until she returned.

Daily Echo:
Daily Echo:

“They’re just shooting themselves in the foot,” said Tony.

“Given that’s what it’s been delivered for in the first place I don’t see why it can’t be placed outside and equally, who only delivers one bin when you’ve ordered two?

“Fortunately, the rubbish isn’t mounting up as it once was - but without the thoughtful staff who’ve now been taking care of it, it would soon build up again and it’s not helped as there’s not an alternative place to dispose of your rubbish on that stretch of road.”