Man and police officer in hospital after being bitten by dog in York, say police

Police in Hope Street today <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Police in Hope Street today (Image: Newsquest)

A man and a police officer are in hospital after being bitten by a dog in York, police said.

The Akita dog, a large Japanese breed, bit the man inside an address in Hope Street at about 11.20am today (Tuesday, July 2) before escaping and running loose in nearby streets.

North Yorkshire Police said an officer was bitten by the animal while trying to apprehend it.

“A police firearm was used to dispatch the animal to protect members of the public and bring the incident to a safe conclusion,” a force spokesperson said.

Police on the scene in Hope Street (Image: Newsquest)

“The member of the public and police officer who were bitten are both receiving treatment in hospital.

“An investigation is underway.”

Four police vans and paramedics were in Hope Street with a police cordon in place.

Walmgate was closed from Navigation Road to Hope Street during the incident.

Witnesses hear gun shot after dog runs loose

Eyewitnesses on the scene told The Press they saw the dog running away then heard gun shots.

Wendy, a neighbour who didn't want her surname to be used, said: "I was outside mowing my lawn when a big black fluffy dog rang past me.

“Then coppers and a lady in plain clothes went past me and shouted 'get inside now' to me.

Police in Hope Street today during the incident (Image: Newsquest)

"I thought I would to be on the safe side.

"About five or ten minutes later I heard shots."

Michelle, another neighbour who didn't want her surname to be used said: "I just saw police here. I don't know whose dog it is. I have never seen it before."

One neighbour Natasha said: "I was just in the kitchen making some food when I heard yelling outside. I saw an armed policeman loading bullets into what looked like a shotgun and they were all crowding around the dog.

"Some vets arrived and tried to feed it, I'm not sure if they were trying to give it pills to sedate it, but it didn't eat the food. They then tried to go towards it with a treat and the dog was backed up. After that, it just ran."