Who won the Super Bowl?

Who won the Super Bowl?

Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs are back-to-back Super Bowl champions.

Mahomes threw a 3-yard touchdown pass to Mecole Hardman with 3 seconds left in overtime, and the Chiefs rallied to beat the San Francisco 49ers 25-22 on Sunday in the second overtime game in Super Bowl history, becoming the first repeat champs in 19 years and ninth overall.

With pop star Taylor Swift watching boyfriend Kelce from a suite, the Chiefs captured their third Super Bowl title in five years and firmly established themselves as a dynasty.

Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs throws the game-winning touchdown (Getty Images)
Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs throws the game-winning touchdown (Getty Images)
Mecole Hardman Jr. of the Kansas City Chiefs celebrates (Getty Images)
Mecole Hardman Jr. of the Kansas City Chiefs celebrates (Getty Images)