Work must be carried out before Warrington swimming pool can reopen

Broomfields Swimming Pool <i>(Image: WBC)</i>
Broomfields Swimming Pool (Image: WBC)

WORK to fix faulty pool temperature sensors must take place before Broomfields swimming pool can reopen to the public.

Warrington Borough Council addressed the closure of the Appleton facility today, Wednesday, with a statement confirming that the high and low temperatures of the pool were the cause of the issue.

And until work has been done to replace the heating sensors, the pool will remain closed.

A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson said: “We are unfortunately currently experiencing some short-term issues with the pool at Broomfields Leisure Centre which we are working hard to resolve.

“Since the weekend we have seen temperatures in the water first increasing then decreasing beyond acceptable levels.

“The cause of this has been identified as faulty temperature sensors. We will be replacing these as soon as we possibly can.”

Swimming lessons were cancelled at the leisure centre over the weekend, with an initial statement confirming the closure posted on the Your Live Wire Facebook page on Monday.

This was met with frustration from parents of children who regularly attend the pool for lessons, with one parent commenting on the Facebook thread to say it was ‘unacceptable’.

While another added: “It is annoying enough that lessons have been cancelled but there is no update on what the chances are of the pool being open again this weekend.”

Currently there is still no confirmed date by the council for when the pool is estimated to reopen.

A spokesperson for WBC said: “We apologise to everyone who has been affected by the pool closure, in particular those who have had swim sessions cancelled.

“However, the safety of pool users is of the utmost importance. We are doing all that we can to get the pool reopened and will update everyone once this work has been completed.”