THIS is what must be done to improve Hereford transport!

The zipper buses is a free service that takes people to various places in Hereford <i>(Image: Paul Rogers/Hereford Times)</i>
The zipper buses is a free service that takes people to various places in Hereford (Image: Paul Rogers/Hereford Times)

HERE are three simple low cost ideas to support greener transport in Hereford.

1. Replace the steps from the subway into St Nicholas Street with a ramp. The steps make it impossible for cyclists, wheelchair users and pushchairs to use the subway, which is the only alternative way to navigate the dangerous A49 crossing which, unbelievably, has no pedestrian lights.

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2. Display the electric Zipper bus service stops and timetable on all bus stops on its route. More people would be likely to use this free bus if they knew where and when it goes.

3. Provide more cycle racks at the railway station. There were no free ones recently and we had to use a lamppost and the Hereford Medical Group centre rack down the road. Not a good look for Hereford’s supposed Transport Hub!

