Newcastle man attacked neighbour who was recovering from kidney transplant surgery in row over noise

Steven Greener has been handed a suspended prison sentence
-Credit: (Image: Northumbria Police)

An agitated man attacked his neighbour in front of his family following an ongoing row over noise.

Steven Greener, 54, and the victim, who has a wife and two young children, lived in adjourning bungalows in Blakelaw area of Newcastle. There was a wall between their living rooms and their main bedrooms.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the man had initially complained about Greener's music and he responded by complaining about noise coming from their home.

The court heard how Greener regarded it as a deliberate attempt by his neighbours to make noise. The victim's wife described how he once started banging on the wall when she was using her hairdryer.

The dad-of-two gave Greener his contact number and told him to let him know when there was a problem with noise so that he could identify what was causing the issue.

However when the victim's son slipped off the sofa onto the laminate flooring, causing a bang in January 2022, Greener stormed around to their home.

The court in Newcastle heard how he demanded that they stop the banging and told the man, who was recovering from a kidney transplant, that he shouldn't be living there as a family.

Greener was also pointing his finger in the victim's face. The man moved his finger away, told him to get out of his face and tried to close the door slowly.

However the defendant pushed the door open and it knocked him backwards into a pushchair. The victim was dazed and unable to see properly for several minutes.

The court heard how the man, who was trying to stop his daughter from going outside, was then struck several times to the face. He was not aware of how he ended up on the floor outside.

The court heard how his wife, who was in the kitchen, heard their daughter scream. She said that when she went to her husband on the floor, Greener was trying to hit him.

Annalise Haughstad, prosecuting, said Greener had punched him three times with a clenched fist.

In a victim impact statement, the man said he felt humiliated that he was unable to protect his family and that the incident had left his wife feeling worried all the time.

Greener, of Cambo Green, Blakelaw, Newcastle, was convicted of one count of assault occasioning actual bodily following a trial.

The court heard how he previously received a community order in February last year after being convicted of racially aggravated harassment against the same victim.

Peter Schofield, defending, told the court that it was a "sorry state of affairs" and that they were capable of living next to each other comfortably.

He said: "He's quite isolated, he doesn't have a large group of friends. He relies upon his mother to give him some support and that's not an ideal situation."

The court heard how Greener suffered from medical issues including chronic pain which has likely lowered his capability for noise. He has now moved away from the family.

Judge Julie Clemitson told Greener: "It's clear you completely lost control of your temper and after slamming the door open you attacked (the victim).

"He was in his own home when you assaulted him, a place where he should have felt safe. He felt scared. He was distraught by what had happened.

"It's evident that you have no insight into your own behaviour and the affect it has on other people. It's also clear you hold animosity towards him and his family because of his race.

"You have lost your accommodation as a result of your own behaviour."

The judge sentenced him to a 18-month prison sentence suspended for two years and ordered him to complete 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days. She also handed him a two-year restraining order against the victim and his wife.