Peaky Blinders movie is ready to go and has a bigger budget: "Cillian Murphy is really up for it"

 Cillian Murphy in Peaky Blinders.
Cillian Murphy in Peaky Blinders.

The Peaky Blinders movie is in motion, and Tommy Shelby star Cillian Murphy is apparently locked in. In a new interview, creator Steven Knight confirmed that it will be a fitting conclusion to the beloved historical drama.

"It’s gonna happen this September," he told NME. "I’m just doing the final polishes, which will continue up until the day before we start shooting. But we’re there. We’ve got everything sorted, we’ve got all the commitments we need, we are ready to go. I think the film is gonna be a step up again, and it’s gonna be great that Peaky fans can meet in one place and watch it. The budget will be bigger, but also because we know we’re ending this chapter, we’re all going to try to do our best. Cillian [Murphy] is really up for it. So I can’t wait for it to start shooting."

Murphy recently won an Oscar for his role in Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer. However, Knight says the actor has been very clear that Peaky Blinders is still on his radar. "After every award that he won, he would text and say, 'I really can’t wait to be doing Peaky,'" he added. "Confirming that none of this was going to change what we’re going to do next."

No details have been released yet about what will happen in the Peaky Blinders movie, but it will likely pick up from the dramatic end to season 6. In the show’s finale, we saw Tommy riding away from his old life with those close to him believing him dead. It’s an intriguing place to pick up again with the gangster, but according to Knight, they’ve got a killer idea that will leave audiences "shocked, delighted, and horrified." We can’t wait.

Peaky Blinders is available to stream on Netflix now. For more, check out our guides to the best Netflix shows and the best Netflix movies.