My favourite pub crawl - dive bars

The Swan on Wood Street
-Credit: (Image: Liverpool Echo)

Liverpool boasts a varied selection of glossy bars and hidden gems but you can't beat a solid, rowdy dive bar.

A dive bar strips the unnecessary bells and whistles from a venue leaving only the basics. Good music, cheap drinks, party people and a lively atmosphere are all that's needed.

You know exactly what you're in for with a dive bar and they're oftentimes the best place to be despite the guaranteed headache the next day. Luckily, Liverpool is in no shortage of such venues so we've curated a trail across the city to create the ultimate dive bar crawl for first-timers and experienced heavyweights alike.

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Our first venue takes us to the edge of Fleet Street. Motel is a dreamy venue thanks to its multicoloured string lights, cosy quarters and familiar catalogue of hits. On paper, it's almost romantic, but the reality is much more exciting. Expect metal fences between tables, red leather seats, open brickwork, steel beams overheard and questionably quirky back bar ornaments.

Motel is without question the first place to start your crawl. The self-declared "home of dive bar karaoke" is never without at least a dozen people in good spirits. Expect it to fill up fairly quickly, though it won't deter anyone from a cramped dance and sing-along.

If we're talking about dive bars, an honorary mention should be made to Bar Cava which sadly closed last year. Located directly behind Motel, it was infamous for its variety of quirky and disgusting shots including everything from mint and candy floss to baked beans and chill. The venue thrived for 23 years and will remain in many of our hearts as a cornerstone of the city's dive bar circuit.

Travelling along to Wood Street we have a venue sure to split groups in two. It fits the dive bar criteria with its cheap drinks, sturdy interiors and jolly atmosphere but its unique selling point is karaoke. We've arrived at Woody's and the choice is yours: grab a pint and stand still like a moody git in the corner or revel in your mates making an eejit of themselves on the mics.

Woody's karaoke bar on Wood Street
Woody's karaoke bar on Wood Street -Credit:Liverpool ECHO

Whether you love it or hate it, Woody's is full of characters and there's never a dull moment. A few doors down is our next venue which is world's away in terms of atmosphere.

The Swan has stood on Wood Street since Victorian times but you'd be mistaken for thinking it's an old man's pub. Alternative crowds find solace in this gloomy little hideaway thanks to its punchy jukebox and blood-light atmosphere.

The Swan is brimming with personality because its regulars have been there for years. The punters are just as much a part of the furniture as the wooden pews and real ale pumps. This is one spot on the crawl you should definitely revisit anytime you're feeling social or want to grab a quick pint. Just don't expect it to be quiet - ever.

Our second memorial tribute is for Mojo which sat on Berry Street just a few blocks away. This was a late-night dive bar regulars flocked to its bustling NYC-style atmosphere. Initially opening back in 2008, Mojo relocated to Hanover Street last year but closed permanently this March.

Blue Angel aka The Raz
Blue Angel aka The Raz -Credit:TRINITY MIRROR

This is where your night splits. If you're a fresh-faced uni student and it happens to be a Monday night the only option is the Raz on Seel Street. Formally known as Blue Angel to a very short few, this is the epitome of a dive bar. It's cramped, run-down, loud, and with a distinct odour I'll say no more about. For some it's hell but I've spent some of my best nights in that cave of a venue.

Back in my day (2017), white label pints were £1 and Fat Frogs - a random concoction of alcopops - were only a few quid more, so you were strong-armed into drinking lager you've never heard of to get as drunk as possible on as little as possible. It's been quite a few years since I stepped through those distressed wooden doors but I'm sure its legacy is still intact. The line stretching the entire way down Seel Street speaks volumes.

You can call in on the weekends but the gritty action takes place on Mondays. Expect everything from classic rock and rap-metal to indie, punk, and grime. All you need is a student ID and the willpower to bypass your senses and you're good to go!

If you're over the age of 20 and it's literally any other night of the week, Crazy Pedro's is a solid resting place. Located on Parr Street, it feels like a glamorous end to the night compared to its predecessors. Typically known as simply Pedro's, it boasts two floors, a rooftop terrace, beer pong tables, and an on-site kitchen for your bottomless pizza cravings.

The venue itself is just as heavily tagged as its clientele so it feels personal. Hospitality members love Pedro's so expect to rub shoulders with the same people who served you earlier in the night. That being said, no matter the time of day or weather you visit, the vibe will always remain fun and welcoming.

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