Plymouth City Council Moor View local elections candidates

Moorview sign at the count. Moor View and Plympton Chaddlewood by-election at Plymouth Guildhall. January 12, 2023. Picture: Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive.
Moorview sign at the count. Moor View and Plympton Chaddlewood by-election at Plymouth Guildhall. January 12, 2023. Picture: Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive. -Credit:Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive

Voters in Plymouth go to the polls in the May local elections for Plymouth City Council. Here are the candidates for the Moor View ward - and why they say you should vote for them.



I’m Nicola (Nicky) and I. have lived in Plymouth the majority of my life, I am a passionate mother who is determined to make a difference in my community. With a strong belief in the power of education and healthcare, I’m committed to creating a brighter future for all. As a councillor, I aim to prioritize the needs of families, advocate for inclusive policies, and foster a thriving environment for growth and opportunity.


As the owner of a small business, I'm passionate about empowering local businesses to create green, fairly paid jobs in Plymouth. I have two young children and am very concerned about the kind of world they will grow up in. I’m standing as the Green Party candidate to push for faster and measurable action on the climate crisis in Plymouth.

As a lay minister at a local church in Glenholt, I know that families and elderly residents are struggling with the rising cost of living and with isolation. If elected, I will support local initiatives and fight for better public transport links and a new family hub for the ward.


An experienced former city councillor in Compton (2018-2022), I am standing fo relection in my home ward of Moor View. The community of Moor View doesn’t currently have a Conservative Councillor representing its residents, and I am standing to provide an alternative choice for the community.

I have been active in the community and local politics for over ten years. I am currently the Chairman of Plymouth Moor View Conservatives Association, a former Chair of Governors for Compton Church of England School and a graduate of the University of Plymouth.

My professional background includes Head of Student Recruitment and Admission sat the University of Plymouth, Marketing Manager for a four-star Dartmoor hotel and more recently working for Members of Parliament in a senior casework capacity, helping resolve constituents’ problems. I am campaigning in support of re-opening Plymouth Airport for aviation purposes, championing our green spaces and ensuring that residents obtain value for money from Plymouth City Council.


Will Noble is the Labour and Co-operative candidate for Moor View ward where he has been a councillor since winning a by-election in January 2023. Will, who is a cleaner at Derriford Hospital, has lived in the ward all his life. Growing up in Glenholt and going to school in Estover he now lives in Leigham.

The first councillor elected for Labour in 2023, William said: “These 18 months have been a whirlwind of listening, learning and taking action. I've helped residents with everyday issues like trees, bins, and housing.

“I've supported our amazing volunteers and community groups, distributing grants, connecting them with council experts and serving on the ELM Centre committee as it transforms into a well-being hub. I'd be grateful for voters’ support on 2 May to continue in this role - so I can keep on working to make us all proud of our neighbourhood.”


After 9 years as an Officer in the Royal Navy, I trained to teach in Plymouth, at the college of St. Mark and St. John, as it was then, and have been teaching in Plymouth and Devon for the last 28 years.

I have been married for 36 years and have three grown-up sons and four granddaughters. My naval career brought me to Plymouth, where I have lived for the last 34 years and am delighted to be in such a fantastic location.

I enjoy sailing, hiking on Dartmoor, reading, theatre visits and spending time with my family, especially on South West beaches. I joined the Liberal Democrat party in the 1990s and am more convinced than ever that they offer the best way forward for Britain locally and nationally.


I am standing as a Candidate in Moor View, (Plymouth City Council), because of President Abraham Lincoln's address at Gettysburg in November, 1863. "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".


I’m a Socialist Party member standing as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) to protect our public services. I grew up in Moor View and would be honoured to speak up for residents here.

As an NHS worker, I’ve seen first-hand the devastation caused by chronic underfunding of our vital public institutions. I’m proud to have stood with striking nurses and fully support the ambulance staff, radiographers, junior doctors and consultants who are drawing attention to an increasingly broken system and striking to defend the NHS from being underfunded into the ground.

With the Tories and Labour cutting millions from our services we are seeing similar issues in our local council. We need Councillors who will defend the services Plymothians rely upon. If elected I will do just that.

I will work with trade unions to defend jobs and would use my position to lobby the government to properly fund our NHS, one of the biggest employers in the city.