Plymouth City Council Plymstock Dunstone local elections candidates

Dunstone Road, Plymstock
Dunstone Road, Plymstock -Credit:Desmond & Co

Voters in Plymouth go to the polls in the May local elections for Plymouth City Council. Here are the candidates for the Plymstock Dunstone ward - and why they say you should vote for them.



I am standing as a candidate for the Green Party in Plymstock Dunstone as I believe that we have been failed by Conservatives and Labour too many times. I’m appalled by the felling of the trees in Armada Way. This is a clear example of how democracy should not work.

I grew up in Plymstock and have ties with family and friends who live in the area. I love its beautiful green spaces and if elected I would promote and protect them.

My career as a loft specialist across Plymouth has given me experience and knowledge in the need for good quality, insulated and future ready homes, which the Green Party are passionate about.

If elected, I would provide a strong independent voice for the people of Plymstock Dunstone.


Hailing from Lancashire, Peter is married to a Plymothian and has lived and worked in Devon and Cornwall since 1983. Trained originally as a Production Engineer, Peter later worked in Industrial Relations, Personnel Management and General Management. He has worked in both the private and public sectors.

Since completing a Master’s degree with Sheffield Business School, he worked as a consultant with a wide range of employers including private companies of all sizes, the armed forces /security services, emergency services, Social Services, General Practices, and the University of Plymouth.

He later worked in senior management with the NHS and a Housing Association; his last management appointment was with the Magistrates Courts in Plymouth 2002-07. This was followed by five years part time work with St Lukes Hospice while training as a Psychotherapist and Peter now works in private practice in Plymstock.

Voluntary work in the community has always featured in Peter’s life: Tavistock Community Association, youth work, a recycling and organic growing project (Proper Job) and Trusteeship with the Plymouth College of Art and Design (now Arts University Plymouth). He represented HealthWatch Plymouth on the City’s Health & Wellbeing Board for three years. Currently Peter is an Associate Trustee with a charity, the Community Advice and Support Service working across Devon and Cornwall.

Two step-daughters and five grandchildren, fair weather cycling, gardening and heavy duty DIY keep Peter fit and feeling young. He believes strongly in ‘freedom with responsibility’ and a common sense, cooperative approach to life.


I have lived in Plymstock Dunstone ward for 32 years. My children attended local schools and I have worked in 2 local schools as well as having spent 12 years volunteering in the Plymstock area with Girlguiding UK.

I am currently working part time as a literacy tutor and some of my students are in the local area. I am passionate about education and want to challenge the lack of adequate SEN provision. I’d also like to see schools back under local authority control.

I firmly believe in the values of TUSC and have been very disappointed in the actions of our current city council. The year on year increases in Council Tax when families are struggling to survive shows how out of touch they are. They are also not living up to their commitments to tackle the climate emergency.

I would support boycotting, divestment and sanctions against Israel which could hasten a peace process and if elected I would lobby the government to demand they call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. We need councillors who will listen to us and keep our city greener, cleaner and working for the benefit of residents.


No candidate profile submitted


Maria Lawson is the Labour and Co-operative candidate for Plymstock Dunstone ward. Maria has been nursing in the NHS for over forty years. During that time, she has been a Ward Sister, Department Manager and is currently working part-time as an Oncology Nurse Specialist.

Maria is passionate about health and social care and will strive to improve the lives of everyone in the ward. “If elected in May I promise to work hard and listen to the needs of the residents,” said Maria. “I will be a visible presence and an advocate for Plymstock Dunstone.

“I am a proud Plymothian and it would be an honour and privilege to work with John and Stefan as a third Labour councillor for the ward.”


No candidate profile submitted


I have been resided in Elburton for twenty years and am aware of issues regarding the area. Previous Conservative and Labour Councillors have failed to mitigate the impact of the implosion of new housing along the Eastern Corridor. These include lack of school places, stretched public services and additional traffic placing severe strain on road infrastructure. This is being exacerbated by the road closure of Red Lion Hill forcing hundreds of additional vehicles to unnecessarily travel into Elburton to use the congested Stanborough Junction.

If elected I would work with Councillors from local wards to put pressure on the Consortium to reopen this road. The Freeport has now been given the green light, bringing inevitable future traffic problems to the area. With no airport to support this new adventure questions need to be raised now. My other concerns are the major debt that this council is incurring through the mismanagement of monies, the appalling eyesore of the brownfield sites in the city centre sitting empty, and the failing of the council to maintain buildings, roads, and historic waterfront. As an Independent candidate I can put residents of Plymstock Dunstone first and not be aligned to any party, nor their policies.


For the past seven years I have been proud to call Plymstock my home. I live locally with my wife and two boys, and have a passion for our local community and our country. After a quarter of a century serving our nation, as a member of the Royal Marines, I am ready to step up and serve our community as your councillor for Plymstock Dunstone.

I have lost faith in politicians and am tired of the empty promises that they make. I am determined to be a voice for local people and will represent you with the honesty and integrity which was installed into my core during my years of military service. I will put your voice first and will not stop fighting until we can make Plymouth a city to be proud of