Prince William to launch workplace well-being website

Sky News has been shown a new website that will be launched by Prince William to improve mental well-being in the workplace.

The Duke of Cambridge will unveil the web portal called Mental Health At Work at an event in Bristol on Tuesday.

The website has been funded by the Royal Foundation, the charitable trust of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and follows the work they have done through their Heads Together campaign to break the stigma around mental health.

Created in partnership with the mental health charity Mind, the website is an online gateway to resources, training and information that will allow managers to help their employees who may be struggling at work.

The site will be open to all businesses from large organisations to small companies with just a hand full of employees.

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Mind chief executive Paul Farmer said: "We know that employers want to do more and are starting to see mental health as a priority, but often don't know where to start.

"The new online Mental Health At Work gateway will change that.

"Over the last few years employers have begun to take staff well-being more seriously and we know that many are doing great work around mental health in the workplace.

"Now (Frankfurt: 11N.F - news) is the time for a step change in how we think about mental health at work.

"All employers need to make it a focus and support their staff.

"It's clear from our research that when employers support their managers properly, it can make a big difference to the whole organisation.

"The gateway gives managers the tools they need."

A survey by Mind of more than 44,000 employees showed 48% had experienced poor mental health but only half had talked to their employer about it.

One in four workers is thought to struggle in silence with issues such as anxiety, low mood and stress, costing UK employers between £33bn to £42bn a year.

But a third of all employers said they struggle to find the information they need to correctly support the mental health of their employees.

Alan Soady from the Federation of Small Businesses believes the website is especially important for any small employer who may not have the luxury of a human resources department.

He told Sky News: "For the small business employer without an HR department it's important that they're given help, support and guidance to allow them to do that for their staff and also look after their own well-being."