Reading GP completes Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim in honour of her daughter

Reading GP completes Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim in honour of her daughter <i>(Image: BHF)</i>
Reading GP completes Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim in honour of her daughter (Image: BHF)

A GP from Reading took to the sea to on Saturday June 29, to help raise £288,000 for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) in the 2024 Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim.

Sarah Harman, a 40-year-old GP, has a 10-year-old daughter, Isabelle, who was born with a congenital heart defect.

Sarah joined 1,200 wetsuit clad swimmers taking on the 1.4-mile swim between Bournemouth and Boscombe Pier to help the BHF fund ground-breaking research into new treatments and cures for heart and circulatory diseases.

Sponsors JAZZ™ Apples, made sure they were at the core of the event with their fruitful new addition to Bournemouth beach, their giant apple buoy.

Sarah raised £500 by taking on the challenge, which is one of the largest open water swimming events in Europe.

Sarah said, “The research that the BHF does makes such a difference to the 7.6 million people in the UK living with heart and circulatory diseases."