Royal Norfolk Show has great value for local industry

Events like the Royal Norfolk Show are vital for the industry and local communities <i>(Image: Sonya Duncan)</i>
Events like the Royal Norfolk Show are vital for the industry and local communities (Image: Sonya Duncan)

Simon Evans of Arnolds Keys – Irelands Agricultural looks ahead to the Royal Norfolk Show and the value it brings to the industry.

As spring moves into summer, we are once again entering show season, and in our county it kicks off with the biggest of the lot, the Royal Norfolk Show.

Attracting between 80,000 and 10,000 people (depending, as with so many things in the farming world, on the weather), the show is agriculture’s opportunity to demonstrate the value of what it does to the wider world and boost understanding amongst the public about where their food comes from, as well as the role farming plays in the stewardship of the countryside.

Aside from this, the show is also an opportunity for farmers to share ideas, gain information first-hand from statutory bodies about things like the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and government grant schemes, and inspect the latest in machinery and new technology.

Beyond that, over the course of two days there are plenty of opportunities for people to stop and have a mardle, catch up, share problems and realise that no matter how bad things might seem, farming remains a tight-knit and supportive community.

Two years ago a parliamentary report found that agricultural shows bring value beyond their local communities; this is backed up by the RNAA’s own figures, which show that the Royal Norfolk Show generates £20 million for Norfolk businesses each year.

Simon Evans, agricultural partner at Arnolds Keys - Irelands Agricultural (Image: Arnolds Keys)
But it’s about much more than economics. Shows also bring “cultural benefits which enrich local communities and build cohesion” according to the parliamentary report.

That might sound a little like civil service speak, but what it means is that events like the Royal Norfolk Show provide a platform for both rural and urban communities to come together and experience the best of what Norfolk has to offer, as well as promoting the importance of food production and the role farming plays in preserving our countryside.

From a personal point of view, the Royal Norfolk Show has been an important part of my life for many years.

Once again it will be my voice you hear commentating on events in the grand ring, and my colleagues and I will also be spotted around the showground acting as stewards in the sheep and cattle rings, and looking after the cups and trophies. Once again, Arnolds Keys is proudly sponsoring the Art Exhibition.

For those of us who work in the farming industry, the chance to give something back by volunteering in show week is hugely rewarding, and there is great camaraderie amongst the stewards.

Let the show commence!

Simon Evans is agricultural partner at Arnolds Keys – Irelands Agricultural.