Schoolchildren put on traditional dance show

Year 5 and 6 children maypole dancing <i>(Image: New Hinksey CE Primary School)</i>
Year 5 and 6 children maypole dancing (Image: New Hinksey CE Primary School)

Children at a primary school in Oxford took part in a festival of dance earlier this week.

On Wednesday (June 19), pupils at New Hinksey CE Primary displayed their talent by performing traditional dances.

Year 5 and 6 children in Kingfisher Class performed a traditional maypole dance while the Year 1 and reception children in Puffin Class did Morris dancing

They were taught a traditional Cotswold Morris dance which originated in Headington by one of the school's teaching assistants.

Reception and Year 1 children Morris dancing (Image: New Hinksey CE Primary School)

Year 5 and 6 children maypole dancing (Image: New Hinksey CE Primary School)

Meanwhile, Owls Class, which is Year 2 children, did country dancing which featured a dosey doe.

All the dances were performed with live accordion and folk music and watched by parents, who the school said loved the show.