Scotland fan sees Euros song become 'unofficial' Tartan Army anthem for Germany

A Scotland fan is hoping his unofficial Tartan Army anthem could become the soundtrack to the summer.

Nick Morgan's song 'No Scotland No Party' has proved a hit since being released earlier this month - and the Prestwick musician now hopes to make the big stage in Germany.

Nick's track, which was inspired by a number originally penned in honour of the legendary Diego Maradona, has even won praise as far afield as Argentina.

The 40-year-old said: "I've been contacted by quite a few people out there since the song went live saying how much they love it, which is mad. The original song featured in a documentary about Maradona and I took the inspiration from that to come up with 'No Scotland No Party'.

Nick Morgan is rousing the Tartan Army with his track 'No Scotland No Party.' PIC: KERRIN CARR -Credit:KERRIN CARR
Nick Morgan is rousing the Tartan Army with his track 'No Scotland No Party.' PIC: KERRIN CARR -Credit:KERRIN CARR

"I'm just hoping the right person in the right place hears it, really. The feedback I've had so far has been amazing and the streams are steadily rising so it's good to know that lots of people are now listening to it. It's also had some good radio airplay so fingers crossed someone in the Scotland team hotel gets it on!

"The song is all about energising the Scotland fans in the run up to the tournament. The lyrics are quite self-depricating in a a nation we are modest and humble and used to disappointment in football and sport - so the song talks about nobody saying we're going to Germany to win it, but we've got unique players like John McGinn, Andy Robertson and Scott McTominay - so anything is possible. So even if we don't win, we're going to have fun anyway and boogie on in Berlin.

"I'm going out to Germany and I'll have my guitar with me. The dream would be to play at one of the gigs that's being laid on for Scotland fans - it's going to be an amazing atmosphere out there and just a non-stop party. That's what the essence of the song is all about really, you can't have a party without the Scots and we're going to bring a great time to Germany."

To listen to the song visit:

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