SNP closing gap on Scottish Labour as general election enters final week, poll finds

-Credit: (Image: Jane Barlow/PA Wire)

John Swinney’s SNP is closing the gap with Scottish Labour in the final week of the general election, according to a new poll.

The Savanta snapshot found both parties tied on 34 per cent, which would give Labour ten more seats than the Nationalists.

Recent polls have given Anas Sarwar’s party a comfortable lead ahead of the July 4 election.

Labour only secured a single Scottish seat in 2019 and the polls have shown them making huge progress and leapfrogging the SNP into first place.

But the Savanta poll shows Labour four points down from a previous survey by the same firm.

The SNP is one point up and the Tories are one point down.

A seat projection gives Labour 28 MPs and the SNP 18, down 30 from the last Westminster election.

Reform is on 6%, the Conservatives polled 14% and the Lib Dems 7%.

Sir John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University, said the poll was “mildly, but only mildly, encouraging for the SNP”.

Savanta interviewed 1,042 Scottish adults aged between 16 and over online between June 21-25.

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