Surrey college wins prestigious award for ‘inspirational’ teaching

Team pose outside college
-Credit: (Image: Nescot College)

A Ewell college has been awarded for the quality and creativity of its teaching. Nescot College has been recognised in the UK wide Pearson National Teaching Awards, winning the silver award for their Further Education team.

The media teaching team was selected from thousands of Pearson award nominees due to its ‘inspirational approach. Tutors are tasked with not only teaching students skills for a career working in the media, but they also partner with charities and weaving issues like inclusion, mental health and awareness raising into their projects.

This is highlighted by the way that tutors combated a lack of work experience for students. The Creative Media teaching team then partnered with charities to create projects providing hands-on experience.

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The team has initiated projects on Black History with The Black Curriculum , on suicide in young men with Olly’s Future and on healthy relationships with Everyone’s Invited. Students have developed videos on poems about race, have created animated films on mental health awareness and have produced video stills about toxic masculinity. The charities involved use these resources across social media and within education programmes to boost awareness and make a ‘real life’ difference.

Julie Kapsalis, CEO and Principal at Nescot said: “I’m so proud of the Media Teaching Team, who consistently produce exciting, challenging, and impactful projects. They’ve been creative about getting Nescot students work experience and have worked hard to embed and champion inclusion in their work. Those on the course are offered real world, credible experience which will help them when they move into the workplace. The team are also moulding young people who understand their community, have empathy, speak up and feel heard. I hope they’ll clinch the Gold Award later this year - it would be so well deserved.”

Team pose with Pride flag
The team have embarked in a number of inclusive projects -Credit:Nescot College

Nescot College offers courses for those aged 16-19 as well as part time courses for adults. There success in the Silver award now means they are in the running for the coveted Gold Award. This isn’t the first achievement the teaching team has received having won a tally of titles at the World Skills Awards over the last decade in the Gold, Silver and Bronze categories.

Sharon Hague, Managing Director of School Assessment & Qualifications at Pearson UK, said: “We're delighted to recognise this year’s Silver Award winners on their outstanding achievements. The contributions they make and the impact they have on young people’s lives every day is truly exceptional. We're extremely proud to support the National Teaching Awards and mark the achievements of all our very worthy winners. Thank you for your continued work and congratulations!!”

National Thank a Teacher Day and the Pearson National Teaching Awards are run by the Teaching Awards Trust, an independent charity established over 25 years ago to celebrate the transformative impact of education, shining a spotlight on the pivotal roles teachers, support staff, colleges, schools and early years educators play in inspiring young people, every single day.

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