This incredible life hack will make your boiled eggs easy to peel

We’ll be honest here: this may not be the most revolutionary ‘life hack’ you’ll encounter this year, but it might just save you a few minutes at a picnic.

TV station WBTV Morning Break tested out a ‘food hack’ which makes hard boiled eggs easier to peel - adding bicarbonate of soda to the water you boil them in.

The ‘hack’ - widely repeated online - supposedly works because the bicarb makes the water more alkaline, meaning the shell doesn’t stick to the egg white so much.

The presenters report that the ‘hack’ does actually work - with the shell peeling off more quickly.

Others are less convinced: in a test by the LA Times, food writers found that adding bicarb made the eggs smell a lot more ‘eggy’, but did little for the peeling time.

Instead, the LA Times suggests, you should boil the eggs, then roll them around in a pan till the shell cracks, then put them in ice water.