This Psychic Will Tell Your Fortune Using Your Old Waxing Strips

Reading the tea leaves has had a bit of an upgrade; this Brooklyn-based psychic tells fortunes using your old wax strips.

Kat Thek says she was inspired to use wax strips based on a scene in Jurassic Park. “I noticed the mosquito’s amber looked like beauty wax,” she explained to Refinery29.

“That gave me an idea - if scientists could bring dinosaurs from the past to the present using amber, then naturally I could bring the future to the present using beauty wax.”

Naturally. Thek divines a constellation model from the hairs on the strip and uses that to tell the person’s fortune.

“The first thing I do is find the North Hair,’ she said of her process. “After that, I find the smallest hair and the largest hair. These three points form the Trifollica. Located within the Trifollica is the past, the future, the everything.

“I read the curl angles, strand density, follicular lines, and colorization to reveal the stars of one’s personal constellation.

“What remains unwaxed is just as important as what is waxed.”

Unsurprisingly, hair from different areas of the body relates to different kinds of fortune telling. The bikini area yields romantic insights while “eyebrow strips are connected to the third eye and are useful for anticipating passive-aggressive jabs.”

The intrepid journalists at Refinery29 tried the service out and were told to expect an incomprehensible string of emoji and to be wary of wet subway seats. The emoji didn’t come to pass but a suspiciously damp subway seat did.

Would you have your fortune told based on ripped out body hair trapped in wax? Let us know on Twitter @YahooStyleUK

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