Three signs a 'burning sensation' in your chest could be something much more serious

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Experiencing a tight and burning sensation in your chest can be a moment of real concern, indicating a grave health problem, or perhaps less worryingly, a sign you need to eat less fatty foods. If this is something you experience often, there are three tell-tale signs to look out for that could indicate your heartburn is something more serious.

Heartburn is caused when acid from your stomach shoots up into your oesophagus, often after eating certain foods, and should cause no immediate concern for your health. However, this symptom also has a worrying crossover with a number of more concerning medical conditions, like angina or coronary failure.

Pains and burning sensations in your chest can indicate a wide variety of problems, from chronic acid reflux (GERD) to angina, to more immediate heart problems. But of course, if you are reading this and experiencing persistent chest pains and are concerned it could be heartburn, you should immediately call 999 and have a medical professional examine you.

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The NHS guidance on heart disease explains: "The symptoms of a heart attack can also be similar to indigestion. For example, they may include a feeling of heaviness in your chest, a stomach ache or heartburn.

"A heart attack can happen at any time, including while you're resting. If heart pains last longer than 15 minutes, it may be the start of a heart attack."

But, if this pain fades, it is not always a sign that you need a Gaviscon. If you keep experiencing bouts of these symptoms, you should see a doctor as you could be experiencing chronic acid reflux, which can cause serious damage to your stomach and throat, or even angina, which can be an early sign that you are likely to have a heart attack or heart failure in the future.

According to the Mayo Clinic, these are three signs the burning sensation in your chest is more than heartburn:

Pressure, tightness, and squeezing sensation in your chest

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Chest pain can be extremely concerning -Credit:Mirror

Even if this "squeezing" feeling of tightness on your chest fades, you should seek medical attention as it could be a sign that you have developed angina, which happens when your heart is not getting enough oxygen, or could soon have a heart attack. If it is angina, it can be treated with blood thinners, cholesterol medication, or even just lifestyle changes.

Both heart attacks and angina can cause pain to radiate to other parts of your body, most commonly your jaw or back, as your nerves react to the sharp agony of either condition. This is unlikely with a case of heartburn.

A tell-tale sign of angina is that the discomfort usually begins behind your breastbone, though sometimes you will not be able to locate exactly where the pain is coming from.

A sour taste in your mouth

One of the lesser-known symptoms of heartburn is that it can trigger a certain taste in your mouth, which is less likely with angina or heart attacks.

If you have been lying down and your stomach muscle spasms, causing heartburn, the surging acid can mix with the spit in your throat. This is often missed amid the sudden burning sensation in your chest, but it can be an easy way to tell that the problem is with your gut and not your heart.

This watery mixture of stomach acid is known as "water brash" and is one of the biggest signs that what you are experiencing is not to do with your heart, though if you experience it frequently it can begin to mimic the same symptoms. People living with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can experience water brash, as well as non-cardiac chest pains - so it can be a sign that you have a chronic reflux problem.

Shortness of breath

A man sleeps on top of duvets and pillows on a sofa in a living room
If you cannot catch your breath, even while lying down, it could be a sign of something seriously wrong with your heart -Credit:Getty

If you are experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain, phone 999 immediately as this is a common combination of symptoms in someone experiencing a major problem with their heart. This is because your lungs are working overtime to get oxygen to your under-oxygenated heart.

This can be caused by any number of heart issues, but along with chest pain is one of the main symptoms of a heart attack in both men and women. It is not commonly associated with heartburn.

If you experience shortness of breath even while lying down, it is a sign that something is seriously wrong with your heart.

The Mayo Clinic advises: "Heartburn, angina and heart attack may feel very much alike. Even experienced doctors can't always tell the difference from your medical history and a physical exam. That's why, if you go to the emergency room because of chest pain, you'll immediately have tests to rule out a heart attack."