Unwanted Plymouth cat spent a whole year waiting for a new owner

A black cat
-Credit: (Image: Woodside Animal Welfare Sanctuary)

An unlucky black cat who spent a year at a Plymouth shelter has finally found her forever home with a Devon couple who are urging people to give older pets a chance. Pretty Portia was picked by David and Sarah Potter, from Hope Cove, after they heard she had spent so long at Woodside Animal Welfare Sanctuary.

Portia’s age and colour meant she was repeatedly overlooked by potential adopters. But for David and Sarah, this just made her extra special and, having lost their rescue cat Tom to a tumour the previous month, they could not wait to bring Portia home.

“There are so many unwanted pets that need a home,” Sarah said.” I know people just pass over the older cats, especially the black cats. We came to see another cat called Dexter and Portia but Portia had been there the longest and that’s what decided it. She’s been at Woodside for a whole year and it was her turn.”

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Portia is one of dozens of animals who spend months or even years at Woodside because of their age, illness of simply because of the way they look. Among them is 11-year-old Toby, a friendly black and white cat who arrived at the Sanctuary in January.

Toby, who is on a fish-based diet for a skin condition, loves cuddles and curling up on people’s laps. Sarah said there were so many benefits to rehoming an older rescue animal.

A black and white cat
Toby also needs a home -Credit:Woodside Animal Welfare Sanctuary

“Older cats don’t need to be trained on how to use the litter stay, they tend to be more road savvy and are calmer and easier to home.”

Sarah, who has given a home to four rescue cats and several dogs, said Portia was settling in well and had been busy exploring her new home. She said: “Portia is super sweet and likes her head scratches."

Woodside manager Lisa Darcy said it was always hard seeing certain cats being overlooked because of their age or colour.

Lisa said: "At this time of year it’s more evident as you see kittens taking everybody’s attention. Adult cats have a personality already so when you choose them you know what you’re getting.

“You get so much from rehoming an older cat. It’s nice to have the warm fuzzy feeling of helping an animal and they do seem to know when someone’s given them a chance.”

To find out more about Toby and other cats searching for a home, visit www.woodsidesanctuary.org.uk.