'Victorian jails like Leicester should be closed' says prison monitoring board chairman

-Credit: (Image: Mike Sewell)

Victorian jails such as HMP Leicester should be closed down as a solution to run-down prison infrastructure, the chairman of a prison monitoring board has said. Elisabeth Davies, who chairs the Independent Monitoring Boards (IMB), was asked whether Victorian jails should be closed as a way of solving issues with prison infrastructure, as the Chief Inspector of Prisons has previously suggested.

Speaking at a briefing yesterday (Wednesday) ahead of the publication of the IMB's National Annual Report on the state of prison and immigration facilities, Ms Davies, who leads the voluntary board under the Ministry of Justice, said: "I think the quick answer is yes. Victorian prisons should be closed." She qualified her answer, adding: "But I don't think the problem with infrastructure is limited to Victorian jails at all.

"Five Wells was a prison that was built in 2022. And we know that there are some real issues around cells that were designed, for example, for people with limited mobility, and the ability to actually open those cells in that prison, as well as some real infrastructure issues in terms of airflow, temperature control, etc.

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"So I think infrastructure is about more than the age of the buildings, as alluded to rightly by Charlie Taylor (the Chief Inspector of Prisons). Infrastructure goes beyond that issue to a considerable degree." Ms Davies did not specify what would be done with the inmates of the Victorian prisons that she said should be closed down.

An IMB spokesperson said: "It would not be within our remit to suggest or propose what should be done with the buildings or prisoners themselves and we would sit with the minister."

Earlier this month, Mr Taylor said 24,000 more prison places were required by 2028 and "there simply isn't enough space" despite "frantic" attempts to increase capacity with temporary accommodation and two new jails. The Government has also come under pressure over reported plans to release some offenders from their sentences up to 70 days early to ease overcrowding.

In September 2023, Mr Taylor told The Guardian that 14 Victorian prisons were so poorly designed and overcrowded that they were unsuitable for the thousands of their inmates and added that ideally they would be closed down. As well as HMP Leicester, the prisons include HMPs Leeds, Pentonville, Liverpool, Lewes, Exeter, Bristol and Wandsworth, the prison Daniel Khalife is accused of escaping from while being held on remand over spy charges in September 2023.

Mr Taylor said: "They tend to be built with very small footprints because they're built in inner cities. And they definitely haven't got enough activity places when the population is double the number that the prison was originally built for."

In February this year, a prisons watchdog report revealed that a Victorian jail HMP Bedford was infested with rats and cockroaches. Inmates at the category B prison, which can hold 400 inmates, "regularly saw vermin" and resorted to "creating their own barriers to prevent vermin from coming into their cells", according to the report.

Detailing the problems when the findings were published in February, Mr Taylor said: "Some of the accommodation in Bedford was the worst I have seen. The smell of mould in one cell was overpowering, with the walls damp to the touch, while the underground segregation unit, which held acutely mentally unwell men, was a disgrace."

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: "We are delivering an additional 20,000 modern prison places including opening two new prisons in two years to help rehabilitate offenders and keep our streets safe."

"At the same time, we're investing unprecedented amounts in education, employment and other support to put more offenders on the straight and narrow, and our £100m security crackdown including measures such as X-ray body scanners and specialist sniffer dogs is helping stop more of the contraband that fuels violence behind bars."

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