He wanted to be a firefighter... then he did something idiotic - he was always going to be caught

Marshall Smith at Liverpool Crown Court
Marshall Smith at Liverpool Crown Court -Credit:ALAN DEMPSEY

An aspiring firefighter who drove off in panic when police stopped his overcrowded car on the East Lancs Road ended up fracturing an officer's wrist.

Marshall Smith, who initially claimed he sped away under threat from a passenger armed with a Rambo knife, was one of six people in the vehicle, one of them crammed in the boot when stopped by PC Daniel Brash.

One of the other passengers leapt out and fled - before Mr Brash reached in to get the ignition keys. Smith then sped off while the officer’s hand was still on the handle of the driver’s door.

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“He had to release his grip or risk being pulled along with the car as it sped away.” Kyra Badman, prosecuting, said. She told the court that the twisting action caused a fractured wrist and intense pain.

The car was registered and insured in Smith’s name and the next day he was arrested at his grandmother’s home in Warrington. He claimed one of his passengers had threatened him with a Rambo knife - which was later discarded.

He repeated his claim when interviewed but no longer pursued that, said Miss Badman. Smith, of Waltersgreen Crescent, Golborne, pleaded guilty to wounding and driving dangerously.

Liverpool Crown Court heard just before the hearing on Monday (May 20) that the 20-year-old requested a face-to-face meeting with PC Brash.

Liverpool Crown Court
Liverpool Crown Court -Credit:Liverpool Echo

Judge Ian Harris said that “was reassuring given the way you acted". He added: "You have apologised face-to-face to the officer. That may not have given him some comfort but you have been man enough to face up to what you did."

Miss Badman, prosecuting, had told the court that the incident happened on April 16 last year when police stopped the silver Skoda that Smith was driving along the East Lancashire Road at St Helens.

She said that in impact statements PC Brash told how he was on restricted duties for six weeks with a cast on his wrist and may have to wear a support on the limb for the rest of his career.

He still has a dull ache in it and numbness in his thumb and index finger and had lost money as could not do overtime for some time or undertake a taser course.

Kate Morley, defending, said that Smith, who had studied at Warrington and Vale Royal College, had no convictions before or since and it had been an impulsive action.

At the time he had been under stress after assisting a neighbour in a traumatic incident and had fallen out with his parents, she said. “He was at a low point and susceptible to influence….He had agreed to drive others. It was not a deliberate assault but it was highly reckless. It was absolutely idiotic as he was always going to be caught.”

"He is remorseful and regretful and said having had time to reflect he “was never going to do anything like it again.”

Smith is due to start under-graduate studies in public service and aspires to join the fire service.

Sentencing him, Judge Harris pointed out that Smith had worked alongside the police doing riot training and other activities as part of his public service course at college and was described ordinarily as “polite and courteous”.

He imposed a 22 month jail sentence suspended for two years and ordered him to carry out 15 days rehabilitation activities and 80 hours unpaid work. He also ordered Smith, who has a part time supermarket job, to pay £500 compensation.