Young Norfolk scholars are awarded £20,000 for education support

Trustees of the Taylor & Hammound Educational Trust met with Sam Stopps, headteacher at Diss High School to announce new grant funding for local young people <i>(Image: Submitted)</i>
Trustees of the Taylor & Hammound Educational Trust met with Sam Stopps, headteacher at Diss High School to announce new grant funding for local young people (Image: Submitted)

An educational foundation has announced the allocation of nearly £20,000 in grants to support a high school and its pupils in Norfolk.

The Taylor and Hammond Educational Foundation has committed the grants to stimulate academic possibilities and experiences for both individual pupils and Diss High School.

Funds from this grant will aid pupils in their purchase of essential study assets including laptops and camera equipment, while aiding travel to courses in Norwich and London.

Diss High School also benefits from grant money, earmarked for purchasing photography studio equipment and Manga books for the library.

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Chairman of the Taylor and Hammond Educational Foundation, Graham Green said: "We are thrilled to announce this series of substantial grants being awarded to benefit the local young people and Diss High School.

"This contribution reaffirms our commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of learning within our community."

Sam Stops, headteacher at Diss High School said: " Their support has given many of our students the chance to chase their dreams and also provided funding for some of our departmental projects."