Bodmin murder sentences 'too lenient' appeal

An appeal has been launched against the sentences for the three people involved in the murder of Michael Riddiough-Allen outside a Bodmin nightclub because they were "too lenient". Michael, 32, died from his stab wounds and five others were injured in the frenzied attack that broke out outside Eclipse on April 30, 2023.

Jake Hill, 25, Tia Taylor, 22, and Chelsea Powell, 22, all from the Bodmin area, faced charges over the incident. The trio were convicted on March 18 following a six-week trial held at Truro Crown Court.

Hill was guilty of murder and guilty of four counts of wounding with intent. He was found not guilty of another charge of wounding with intent and unlawful wounding. Powell was found not guilty of murder and not guilty of manslaughter but guilty of perverting the course of justice by the jury. Taylor changed her plea to guilty of perverting the course of justice and to manslaughter part way through the trial.

Read next: Bodmin murder sentencing: Trio sentenced to 31 years over death of Michael Riddiough-Allen

Read next: The faces of killers: Jake Hill and Tia Taylor's involvement in death of much-loved rugby player

Hill, of Jubilee Terrace, was given a life sentence and was sentenced to serve a minimum of 28 years before being eligible for parole, reduced to 27 years and 18 days in prison taking the time he has already been in custody into account. He will remain on licence for the rest of his life if released.

Taylor was sentenced to three years imprisonment for her involvement. She will serve half of that and will then be released on licence. Powell was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment. The judge directed she too should serve half of that sentence and as she has been on remand for nine months, she was released immediately.

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Now it can be revealed that an appeal has been made with the Attorney General’s Office to see their sentences lengthened. Anyone can appeal against any conviction under the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme if they think those convicted of a crime should be in prison for longer or receive a harsher sentence.

Outcomes of unduly lenient sentence referrals (appeals have to be made within 28 days a sentence being passed) are published every week by the Attorney General's Office. The result comes in the shape of a spreadsheet with the initials of the offenders, the court which passed the sentence along with the date of the sentencing, what the offence was and the outcome of the decision.

In the case of Hill, Taylor and Powell, their sentences have not been referred to the Court of Appeal and will stay as they are. Anyone can ask for someone’s Crown Court sentence to be reviewed if you think it’s too low here.

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