Bristol Rovers apologise for 'disabled' fans and 'normal' fans gaffe

Bristol Rovers has apologised to fans after a letter it sent out to the supporters club about season cards referred to 'disabled fans and normal fans'.

The letter prompted something of a backlash on social media from disabled and non-disabled fans alike over the Bank Holiday weekend, with calls for the club to apologise and 'do better'.

Now, 24 hours after Bristol Live reported on the backlash, Rovers have issued a public statement, saying they would 'like to apologise for any offence caused', saying it was an 'error in wording'.

Read next: Calls for apology after Bristol Rovers refer to 'disabled' fans and 'normal' fans

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The reference came in a private email from the club to Rovers' supporters' club, which clarified details of the switch next season to an electronic season ticket system. The club told the supporters club that disabled fans who would still rather have a physical season ticket card instead of one stored on their phone would be given it for free, but 'normal fans' will have to pay £15 extra.

The letter was shared by the supporters club on X/Twitter and the use of the word 'normal' to describe people who aren't disabled upset and angered many fans, who took to X/Twitter to voice their displeasure, before the original post by the supporters club was taken down late on Tuesday afternoon.

Now, in a statement from Bristol Rovers, the club said: "Bristol Rovers Football Club would like to apologise for any offence caused by an error in wording in a recent communication regarding disabled supporters. No harmful intention of meaning was ever intended in the wording, which was included in a private email exchange between the Club and a representative from the Bristol Rovers Supporters Club.

The gates at the Memorial Stadium, home of Bristol Rovers -Credit:Kieran McManus/EFL
The gates at the Memorial Stadium, home of Bristol Rovers -Credit:Kieran McManus/EFL

"The Club is proud of our ongoing commitment to provide the best experience for all supporters of Bristol Rovers FC, in particular our work with the Club's Disabled Supporters Association to ensure fans with accessibility or additional needs are able to enjoy each and every match at The Memorial Stadium. In addition, the Club were recently commended by the EFL by achieving Bronze in the EFL Equality Code of Practice.

"Bristol Rovers Football Club is committed to making sure our Club is a safe, welcome and inclusive environment for everyone," the statement added.