Care home welcomes families and community for summer fete

The Belmont Care Home's summer fete <i>(Image: The Belmont Care Home)</i>
The Belmont Care Home's summer fete (Image: The Belmont Care Home)

A Worcester care home welcomed the families of residents and members of the community for its summer fete earlier this month.

The Belmont Care Home opened its doors to the community on June 8 for the annual event.

The care home said it was a "resounding success", offering a "delightful afternoon".

The Belmont Care Home's summer fete (Image: The Belmont Care Home)

Attendees enjoyed an afternoon filled with live music, food stalls, craft showcases, and a pop-up bar.

The fete also featured attractions like a tombola, a bouncing castle for children, footgolf, and the popular 'splash the face' game.

For anyone needing to cool down, there was also an ice cream van providing sweet treats throughout the day.

As well as providing a day of entertainment for the community, The Belmont used the opportunity to raise money for St Richards Hospice, which cares for adults wit serious progressive illnesses at the hospice and in their own homes.

Through donations and participation in the event, the care home raised £182 for the charity.

A spokesperson for The Belmont said: "It was a very busy turnout, and The Belmont family would like to extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who came along to share this special day with us.

"Your support not only made the summer fete a joyful occasion but also contributed to our fundraising efforts for St Richards Hospice."

The care home said the event "demonstrated the power of community spirit and generosity, bringing together residents, families, and neighbours for an afternoon of fun while making a positive impact on a charitable cause".

It added it "looks forward to continuing this tradition of celebration and giving in the years to come".

The Belmont, part of the Sanders Senior Living group, offers residential and dementia care in its 74-bed home.

Set over three floors, The Belmont features a cinema, pamper room, hairdressing salon, cocktail bar, lounges, reading area, private dining room and bistro restaurant.

St Richard's Hospice offers free palliative care through its in-patient unit.

It also hosts a variety of sessions, groups and activities in a relaxed and supportive environment at the Living Well Centre.