China Clones Sichuan Earthquake 'Hero' Pig

A pig who survived more than a month buried under rubble after the 2008 earthquake in China's Sichuan province has been successfully cloned, according to reports.

Scientists in the southern city of Shenzhen claimed to have cloned Zhu Jianqiang (Strong-Willed Pig) and produced six piglets with DNA identical to their 'dad'.

The pig was hailed as a national hero following his harrowing quake ordeal, China's Sunday Morning Post reported.

Five-year-old Zhu had been castrated before the quake, ruining his chances of naturally fathering piglets.

He had suffered severe trauma from being buried for 36 days. "But the wonderful pig surprised us again," said Du Yutao, the leader of the cloning project.

The 330lbs (150kg) hog reportedly survived in the ruins of its sty by chewing charcoal and drinking rainwater.

The offspring apparently bear a striking resemblance to their father, including a birthmark between their eyes.

The piglets, born over the past few weeks, will probably be paired off and sent to a museum and a genetic institute.

An 8.0-magnitude earthquake devastated Sichuan and parts of neighbouring Shaanxi and Gansu provinces on May 12, 2008.

Tens of thousands of people were killed and swathes of the province were flattened.