Condom Size for iPhone provides measuring tools for, ahem, tools

An application has been released on Apple's App Store that aims to help chaps with their chaps. In the hope of educating the male population to find the right condom to fit comfortably and safely, Condom Size for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad provides interactive measuring tools to find out the actual length and girth of an erect penis.

The app also offers helpful tips on what condoms to buy, with links to buy them from. Plus, there are even league tables for girth and length so that you can compare a measured member (their words, not ours) against others from around the world. Like the Olympics, in a way. Sort of.

There are also a "ton of fun facts about condoms". No, really.

In all seriousness, we can actually see a good use for Condom Size, and not just a chance to pitch Tesco chipolatas against Walls' hearty bangers in a size-off. And we'd recommend that you don't take much notice of the world ranking tables - we suspect there may be some cheating going on.

Condom Size is available on the App Store now for 69p. It's only 5.6MB to download but remember, it's not the size that counts...

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