Contactless card fraud overtakes cheque scams for first time

Contactless card fraud has overtaken cheque scams for the first time  - PA
Contactless card fraud has overtaken cheque scams for the first time - PA

Contactless card fraud has overtaken cheque scams for the first time as experts warn the 'wave and pay' limit should not be lifted.

The latest figures from UK Finance show that contactless card fraud overtook cheque fraud in the first half of 2017, hitting £5.6million.

Finance experts have warned banks against raising the £30 limit, for payments which do not require a pin number, to avoid incentivising more criminals to steal them.

It comes after the Bank of England's chief cashier Victoria Cleland, she had heard instances of money being "taken off contactless when you walk past something" and does not use the cards herself.

Victoria Cleland, Chief Cashier, holding the new £5 polymer note - Credit: Bank of England
Victoria Cleland, Chief Cashier, holding the new £5 polymer note Credit: Bank of England

"We may see the fraud increase because it would become better for them - they can actually get £50 of goods rather than £30 of goods for the same work.

"My concern is the limit going up. If the limit goes up, it will increase the fraud. The only way you can tighten up [fraud] around contactless is to not increase the limit any more," she said.

"I would like the limits to stay where they are, that would make me feel more comfortable," Sarah Lewis, Head of ID and Fraud Decision Strategy at Equifax UK, told The Daily Telegraph.

Ms Lewis warned no method of payment was "riskless" and said she had heard of cases where  criminals had used technology purchased illegally on the dark web to steal card data from contactless cards.

"Unfortunately with contactless you can download some illegal software and get it on your phone that can read your card details."

"It's not like half the population are being defrauded, it's a very small percentage," she added.  

But with "cash and cheques dying out," contactless card fraud would likely increase as more were issued, she warned.

Banks should remain vigilant and avoid measures that might incentivise criminals to steal the cards, she said, for example by keeping the wave and pay limit capped at £30.

In October, The Daily Telegraph revealed how some of the UK's biggest retailers were selling anti-fraud devices for contactless cards amid a rise in contactless fraud and concerns that criminals are taking wireless readers into busy crowds in order to charge people's contactless cards with bogus payments while they are still in their handbags and pockets.

UK Finance, which works with police and represents the payment industry, said: "Contactless fraud is low with robust security features in place in every card.

At the same time, customers are fully protected against card fraud and will never be left out of pocket, unlike if they lose cash.

"Individual firms have introduced processes to prevent fraudulent contactless transactions appearing on an account when a card had been reported lost or stolen.

"Technical changes are also being introduced resulting in the vast majority of contactless transactions going online, where a transaction is authorised directly with the card issuer."