Dad and colleagues to climb England's highest mountain for close cause

Elsie and Joe O'Neill <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
Elsie and Joe O'Neill (Image: Supplied)

A dad from Heywood and his work colleagues are set to climb England's highest mountain this weekend in aid of a cause close to his family's hearts.

Joe O’Neill, whose four-year-old daughter Elsie has cystic fibrosis, is gearing up to climb Scafell Pike in Cumbria on Saturday, June 29 and raise vital funds for Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

The 35-year-old will be supported by nine of his colleagues from The Royal Toby in Rochdale and parent company The Deckers Group in Chesterfield, who are joining Joe in raising money for the charity, which will fund further research into the genetic condition that affects more than 10,900 people in the UK.

The 10 colleagues from The Royal Toby and The Deckers Group, where Joe is conference and banqueting manager, will be climbing the peak for the first time.

Standing at 978 metres tall, the hike will be a challenge for all the climbers, but Joe said it will be nothing compared to what Elsie has to go through.

Elsie (Image: Supplied)

Joe said: “Elsie is a firecracker.

“From the minute she gets up, she doesn’t stop moving and talking, but because of her condition, she is prone to illness much more than most other children.

"She’s doing well right now but last year had a two-week stint in hospital with an infection on her lungs.

"It can be stressful for her and those who love her.”

Joe lives in Heywood with wife Rachel, Elsie and two-year-old son Oliver.

A JustGiving crowdfunding page has been set up in aid of the challenge.

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Oliver, Joe and Elsie O'Neill (Image: Supplied)

Elsie (Image: Supplied)

Elsie takes Trikafta – a triple combination therapy also known as Kaftrio - twice daily.

It has been hailed as a "miracle" cystic fibrosis treatment for children by significantly improving lung function, helping people with the condition breathe more easily and improve quality of life.

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Elsie (Image: Supplied)

Joe added: “Cystic Fibrosis Trust has campaigned for years to get people on life-saving drugs like Trikafta.

"It also invests in cutting edge research to develop improved treatments and provides amazing support for people like Elsie.

"Since she has been born, life expectancy for people with the condition has increased significantly, but there is more to be done and the charity needs funds to do it.

“I’m grateful for the backing of everyone at The Royal Toby.

"Management has supported me as a parent who sometimes needs time off work to be there for my child.

"They have paid for our entries to the walk and on Friday are donating a pound from every main meal sold to Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

"I have colleagues walking with me and others who have contributed to a bake sale to raise money.

“However, we are still seeking sponsorship outside of work, friends and family and would implore anyone who feels they could help to make a small donation.”