Days left to apply for £5,000 youth-led projects grant

Days left to apply for £5,000 youth-led projects grant <i>(Image: Canva)</i>
Days left to apply for £5,000 youth-led projects grant (Image: Canva)

THE application deadline for a youth-led projects grant has been extended, with just days left to apply.

The Torfaen Voluntary Alliance (or, TVA Wales for short), is offering a Youth Led Grant for young people between the ages of 14 - 25 years, "to enable projects to run that provide volunteering opportunities".

After being extended, the new deadline for applications is 12pm midday, on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, according to TVA Wales.

The new deadline for applications is 12pm midday, on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, according to TVA Wales. (Image: Canva)

The Youth Led Grants will be expected to fund projects which contribute towards the Seven Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) goals, though not all projects will have to deliver against all seven goals:

  • A Prosperous Wales

  • A Resilient Wales

  • A More Equal Wales

  • A Healthier Wales

  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities

  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language

  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Who can apply?

Applications must be written by a young person, submitted with a short video of a maximum of 2 minutes.

The TVA Wales has said: "Examples of future projects could be around mental health, young carers, the elderly, health & wellbeing, art, life skills etc."

Past projects include setting up fundraising events to support local charities, local environmental schemes, and improving facilities for older people.

Further details can be found at: