East Cliff goat gets head stuck in fence prompting 999 response

Goat stuck on fencing in East Cliff <i>(Image: Robin Turner)</i>
Goat stuck on fencing in East Cliff (Image: Robin Turner)

AN EAST Cliff goat had to be rescued after it got its head caught in a wire fence.

The goat was spotted on the cliff above Boscombe beach on Monday afternoon, July 1 with its head stuck in some fencing running down the cliff.

Firefighters had to be called to help rescue the stricken animal, but they couldn’t access the goat, according to a spokeswoman from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service.

She said the firefighter liaised with the goat’s owner about the best way to get the animal rescued before it was eventually rescued by its owner about two hours after the fire service was called.

(Image: Robin Turner)

Resident Robin Turner was walking along the seafront when he spotted the goat caught in the fence.

He said the firemen couldn’t reach the goat and that it had been there for more than three hours.