Emmerdale's Belle Dingle faces danger as Tom King plans remote move reveals ITV soap spoiler

Belle Dingle
-Credit: (Image: (Image: ITV))

Emmerdale's Belle Dingle, played by Eden Taylor-Draper, seems to be heading for a rough patch. ITV viewers have been observing her husband, Tom King (James Chase), becoming increasingly abusive towards her.

However, upcoming spoilers for the popular soap suggest that some villagers are beginning to worry about Belle's behaviour, suspecting that something isn't right. In episodes due to air next week, the Dingle women - Charity (Emma Atkins), Chas (Lucy Pargeter), Mandy (Lisa Riley) and Lydia (Karen Blick) - start to question Belle's relationship.

As Belle begins to feel cornered, Charity encourages her to reveal what's truly happening between her and Tom. But Belle, angered by their persistent questioning, storms off.

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Charity later finds a visibly distressed Belle outside the Woolpack and gently urges her to share what's troubling her. On the verge of tears, Belle is about to confide in Charity but pushes her away and rushes home in panic after spotting Tom.

Despite Tom's attempts to dismiss Charity's concerns by claiming his wife is battling mental health issues, Charity remains unconvinced. As the other women fret over whether Charity has jumped the gun, she leaves the room in frustration, worried that she's lost the opportunity to persuade them that something is amiss.

Belle Dingle's situation takes a worrying turn in Emmerdale as Tom, played by actor James Chase, begins to enact a sinister plan. Noticing that the villagers are becoming aware of Belle's troubles, Tom coldly decides to take action when he gets home.

He makes a call to confirm his interest in a job interview for a position in Wales, far from Belle's support network.

Charity attempts to reconcile with Belle later, but fails to make an impact. At the same time, Tom is engaged in an online interview for a job located in a particularly isolated part of Wales.

He lies to the interviewer, claiming his wife would be thrilled to relocate to such a secluded area, revealing his intention to further isolate Belle.

Upon Belle's return, Tom suggests a holiday, proposing a trip to a remote cottage, while Belle remains oblivious to his ulterior motives. As she begins to entertain the idea of a romantic escape, Tom is internally satisfied with the progress of his scheme.

The question arises: could Belle be at risk of being whisked away from the village indefinitely, her family left in the dark about her true location?

In an interview with Express.co.uk, James Chase hinted that Tom's malevolent control over Belle won't last, suggesting that retribution is on the horizon.

When asked if Tom would have to exit the show, Chase responded: "I think, yes, it has to happen because it's what he deserves, like he can't get away with it. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know to what extent that would be as to how the character would, you know, how the storyline would end with Tom? ".

"But yeah, I think I would think that it would have to be something like that. Yeah, because [Belle] needs justice for what's happened to her."