Hot Dog! Clever Pooch's Amazing Catch and Release Stunt Goes Viral

A clever dog pulled off an impressive stunt with its ability to use a hot dog bun as bait to catch, and then release, a fish, a viral Tik Tok video shows.

Chance, who is six years old, was captured on video by his owner Brian Janicki perched on the edge of the water with a hot dog bun floating just below his mouth.

As fish begin gathering around him, he is seen grabbing one in his mouth in a quick motion, before releasing it instantly.

“He has a wonderful disposition and gets along well with other animals,” Janicki said.

Janicki shared the video on TikTok with the caption “Who needs a fishing pole??” He told Storyful he was very excited to have finally got Chance’s talent for catch and release on video. Credit: Brian Janicki via Storyful

Video transcript

- He will not eat the bread. He's waiting for the right moment to catch one of those fish. They come up and nibble on the bread and he grabs one. I've never been able to get one on film yet. They're inches below. Chance! You had one.

He will not eat the bread. He's waiting for the right moment to catch one of those fish. They come up and nibble on the bread and he grabs one. I've never been able to get one on film yet. They're inches below. Chance! You had one.