Huddersfield bus station security guard says 'Working here is worse than the doors, there is abuse and attacks daily'

"I'm verbally abused and threatened on a daily basis" says Huddersfield Bus Station security officer.

Former nightclub bouncer, Junaid Khan, has worked at the bus station for just over a year and says that he has experienced more trouble in this job than he ever did "working the doors." West Yorkshire Police have recently launched an undercover operation at the bus station, which has become known as a hot spot for crime and antisocial behaviour.

The Huddersfield Town Centre Proactive Team (HTCPT) launched the operation last week as officers in plain clothes take part in evening patrols.

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Last week the team conducted seven stop and search operations seizing knives and drugs from one man, who was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply drugs and weapons offences. Another person seen acting antisocially was also dealt with by the police through a community resolution.

The police say the HTCPT operate every day throughout the town centre. Alongside the undercover officers, known shoplifters and street drinkers have also been caught.

The measures have been put in place following a string of incidents of late and security guard Junaid said he more than welcomes the extra support.

The operation took place in Huddersfield Bus Station
The operation took place in Huddersfield Bus Station -Credit:Google Maps

Junaid Khan told YorkshireLive: "I'm glad there is going to be more police presence, maybe it will make people think twice.

"The antisocial behaviour is a daily occurance, it's predominantly young people in gangs, we have the odd few older people too that are drunk and kick or something but they tend to be easier to deal with, it's tricky when they are in big gangs of five or ten.

"We get fighting, attacking random members of the public, robberies, playing loud music, they're not easy to reason with, they don't want to reason back with you, they think they can do whatever they want.

"I was working last Saturday and we had a knife incident here, somebody pulled a knife out, they started fighting initially exchanging blows and then somebody pulled a knife out, those types of incidents we do get quite often to be honest.

"It can be quite daunting, I've worked in security for a long time, I used to work the doors in town at night and this is by far worse and you wouldn't expect it at the bus station, but we have far more incidents here than I ever did on the doors."

One commuter, who wishes to remain annonymous, said: "It's scary, sometimes when you're walking into the bus station and there's a big group of teenagers outside playing music it can feel daunting coming in, it's intimidating.

"I only come during the day so thankfully I haven't seen or experienced any of the things going on, I'd never come at night, but I'm glad the police are doing something about it."

West Yorkshire Police outside Huddersfield bus station
Junaid Khan has worked at Huddersfield Bus Station for just over a year

Sergeant Graham Watson of the Huddersfield Town Centre Proactive Team, said: “We are aware of ongoing issues of crime and anti-social behaviour at Huddersfield bus station and are conducting a number of operations there to address them.

“As publicised, plain clothes officers have been conducting patrols there to identify and catch suspects ‘ in the act.’ Patrols have been ongoing this week and resulted in 17 people being stopped with drugs and weapons seized and arrests made.

“Additional high visibility patrols to deter offending are also ongoing, and we intended to continue both these operations over the course of 2024.

“Additionally, thanks to funding from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, a dedicated safer Travel Team PSCO also works from the area to provide additional policing support.

“We continue to ask anyone who has information or intelligence about those committing criminal acts in Huddersfield to contact the team on 101 or online at

“As we have said, commuters should be able to go about their business safely and we intend to make sure they can.”

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