Hydrangea planting tip to transform your patio - as This Morning expert shares budget garden ideas

Pot of pink and blue hydrangeas
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Whether it is just sitting in your garden or hosting a get-together it can often be a better experience if it is looking good. And for those thinking about throwing a summer garden party when the weather improves, there are cost-effective ways to make your patio pretty on the day.

ITV's This Morning gardening expert Daisy Payne has a string of cheap and easy tips to transform your outdoor area. Daisy's new book, Start Growing, is out now and features simple, budget-friendly gardening projects for novices.

So whether it is planting pots of blooms such as hydrangeas, pansies or geraniums or putting extra lighting around, here are her top tips for making the most of the summer outdoors.

Get some bedding plants

The expert recommends investing in some instant colour bedding plants which come in a variety of hues and can be inexpensive. "They instantly add a lovely feel to any space," she says.

"There are all sorts at this time of year pansies, geraniums, and so many lovely colours to pack into pots." If you're lacking in space, consider planting some hanging baskets, which will maximise your vertical space, and if you don't want bedding plants, think about substituting them with herbs to create a fragrant area and add flavour to your summer meals, she adds.

Repurpose old furniture and containers

"Don't be afraid to upcycle items that could be used as pots you can get quite creative with that. Going to car boot sales or upcycling furniture, like drawers from your house, can be great. It's so cheap and adds character to space," she suggests.

Invest in an outdoor rug

"Outdoor rugs are really popular and trendy. If your old patio slabs are annoying you and you haven't got the time to pressure-wash them or treat them, you can get yourself a really colourful outdoor rug and cover up the eyesores," she suggests. "It lifts the space you are in, particularly if you haven't gone mad on planting."

Create a budget-friendly water feature

"You can do this with really small containers with a solar-panelled water pump. It adds a lovely feeling of relaxation to a space. It doesn't need to be expensive. You may see one on sale at a garden centre or DIY store."

You'll require a pot without drainage holes, a smaller water-tight pot which fits inside the larger pot and a solar-panelled water pump placed in that. Place a pot saucer with a hole in the centre that fits over the top of the pump (the trickle of water will come out of the hole), and stones to decorate around it.

Dress your patio table

"If you have a garden with flowers and want to put a table piece together, you can cut flowers from your own garden and add some evergreen sprigs to the display. I had some cut dahlias and wildflowers grown from seed.

"It brings a table together when you are hosting. And flowers blooming now roses and peonies make a beautiful centrepiece, albeit peonies are very brief." If you buy eucalyptus from your local florist and then dry it out, it can last for years in a dried form and makes a big impact."

Create an ambience with lighting

If you want to brighten up the outdoor spaces without the hassle and expense of installing electrical systems Daisy suggests using solar-panelled festoon lighting to put on fence posts. She added: "You can also get some lovely spike lights. I have some down the pathway of my garden, which show off the silhouette of the garden as dusk falls."

"I love a lantern for the tabletop or for hanging and I have a lot of scented candles, which bring a nice feel to the garden as the evening draws in and is useful for keeping some of the bugs away."

Use edible flowers

Try adding some botanicals to summer beverages and dishes by using edible flowers. She said: "Herbs also work really well in drinks, including rosemary sprigs or mint."

Save cash on tools

In terms of gardening tools, the expert reassures that a lavish collection isn't necessary, especially for those with patio or balcony gardens primarily composed of pots. "All you need to plant up in pots is a good peat-free compost and the willingness to get your hands dirty." She notes that while a watering can is handy, beginners can make do with any container that holds water.

Start Growing by Daisy Payne is published by Ebury, priced £14.99. Available now.