Ice creams 'handed out to children who comply with school jumper ban'

North Liverpool Academy on Heyworth Street, Everton
-Credit: (Image: Liverpool Echo)

A school embroiled in a row over a summer-term jumper ban is said to have handed out ice creams to students who agreed to abide by the policy.

Some parents have hit out at North Liverpool Academy in recent weeks after it banned pupils from wearing their school jumpers, leaving many of them placed in isolation or sent home. Now, it has been reported that teachers have handed out rewards to students who have agreed not to wear jumpers and follow the policy.

Mum-of-three Caroline Dixon, 40, recently took her two children, who were in year 8 at North Liverpool Academy, out of the school following the ongoing uniform row.

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She told the ECHO: "I have de-registered my children and taken them out of the school because of the things that have happened. My daughter has come home in tears, and my son, who is autistic, was dreading going to school.

"The kids went in last Friday and (headteacher) Ms Vernon held an assembly for everyone where she thanked the kids who have complied with the new rule and just worn their shirts. She told them that she decided to put the rule in place because she had two sixth-form children crying, because they were too hot.

"She said that the kids were human radiators when they are wearing their jumpers and it's making everyone else too hot. She then handed out lolly ices and said if you keep wearing your shirt without your jumpers then we will award you with a lolly ice. This money could have been spent on fans instead."

The mum, who is now home-teaching her children, said: "It's so sad. Children are now missing out on education because of this silly rule.

"It's ridiculous. The kids are there too learn, but they can't have an education when they are worried about what they look like."

She added: "It got to the point where I have had to take my kids out of school and now I have to home school them. It's been so cold recently, the teachers all had jumpers on, why are they allowed to wear a jumper? If you are going to put a rule in place at least lead by example."

Another parent, who did not want to be named, said: "A couple of days after the rule came in they brought them into the hall and gave them all choices of lolly ices and ice creams to have and gave them all an extra half hour break. They didn't say why."

He added: "My daughter has another year left at school, I had to take her to the doctors because of her anxiety and even the doctor said it's only a jumper, what is the problem?"

Liverpool Echo have approached North Liverpool Academy for a comment.

In response to previous reports, principal Emily Vernon said: "Thank you to all of our parents who have supported this temporary uniform change. Like many schools in Liverpool, we have decided to adapt our uniform policy for the next six weeks during the hot summer months. We are in constant communication with our families, and are working closely with those who may require further accommodations."

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