Junior doctors strikes to impact Dorset hospital

Junior Doctors striking outside Dorset County Hospital - 2023 <i>(Image: Tom Lawrence)</i>
Junior Doctors striking outside Dorset County Hospital - 2023 (Image: Tom Lawrence)

Junior doctors at a Dorset hospital will be striking from tomorrow.

Some medically led activity at Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester will be postponed for five days due to the strikes which are set to take place from 7am.

Patients will be contacted if their appointments have been changed and everyone else should attend as normal.

Those with urgent care needs should attend the Emergency Department or dial 999, or for other urgent care needs, visit NHS 111 online or call 111.

A spokesperson for Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust said: “The British Medical Association (BMA) has announced junior doctors will take strike action from 7am on June 27 to 7am on July 2.

“Our junior doctors are vital for patient care and the running of our hospital services. During their industrial action, some medically led activity will be postponed to ensure that we can provide safe emergency and inpatient care. You will hear directly from us if we have to rearrange your appointment - if you don't hear from us please attend as planned.

“No-one should put off seeking urgent or emergency care during the strikes and people with serious, life-threatening conditions will continue to be seen at our Emergency Department (ED). However, please keep 999 and ED clear for life-threatening emergencies.

“Please visit NHS 111 online or call 111 for other urgent care needs.”

NHS leaders have said the service is expecting “major disruption” as a result of the heatwave and the junior doctors’ strike.

It will be the eleventh walkout by junior doctors from the British Medical Association (BMA) in England, as the bitter dispute over pay rumbles on.

A spokesperson for NHS Dorset said: "While hospital and community NHS services in Dorset will be making sure they have adequate staffing levels during the dates when industrial action is taking place, regrettably some appointments and surgeries may be postponed, to help maintain the safety of our emergency services.

"Any patients affected will be contacted directly.

"Please assume your appointment is going ahead unless you are told otherwise. Please check your voicemail before attending your appointment, as we may leave a message if we are unable to reach you."