Khanyi Mbau: '90% of the colour of my skin is cosmetic' - You won't believe how much she spends on her complexion a month!

Cape Town - Local actress Khanyi Mbau joined Thembekile Mrototo on eNCA for a discussion on skin bleaching and colourism in the entertainment industry.

South Africans generated more than 10 000 Google search queries for "Khanyi Mbau" last week Wednesday when the TV personality shared a photo of herself, sparking debate about her significantly lighter complexion.

Khanyi hit back on Twitter, saying: "It would not be Khanyi Mbau if you didn't get upset."

We know who you Googled - Curated tweets by Channel24

In an interview on eNCA, Khanyi was questioned about her use of skin lighteners and "pretty privilege" in the entertainment industry.

Khanyi admitted that 90% of her complexion is "cosmetic," saying that she prefers it as she uses less make-up and as a result requires less "maintenance" when she works in front of the camera.

When asked about how she feels about the negative attention online, she replied by saying that "South Africans have become bullies," in terms of "what our freedom means."

She explained that according to her "black people do not have to adorn their bodies with beads or look ethnic," but instead should have the "freedom to express themselves in a way that they choose".

Khanyi Mbau
Khanyi Mbau

When speaking about the skin lightening or bleaching process, she says that the technology has evolved in a way that it is easy to maintain.

But admits that the process is expensive, and she spends up to R10 000 a month on maintaining the colour of her complexion.

When asked about colourism in entertainment, Khanyi is of the opinion that "the entertainment industry is about looks" and says that unfortunately, if you are darker skinned, you have to work harder.


(Photos: Gallo)