Mischievous Parrot Steals Family's GoPro at New Zealand National Park

A mischievous parrot swiped a family’s GoPro at Fiordland National Park in New Zealand recently, capturing some magnificent footage as it took flight with its loot.

Alexandra Verheul, from Dunedin, was tramping the park’s Keplar Track with her family when the thieving bird seized its opportunity.

The device had been set down on a balcony at the Luxmore Hut, and was quickly nabbed by the kea, described by the National Geographic as “a very curious parrot”.

It immediately took flight, all the while filming its glorious getaway.

Verheul told Storyful that they found the GoPro on a large rock nearby, after they heard the birds “calling from the trees”. Credit: Alexandra Verheul via Storyful

Video transcript

- Look at it. Look at it. Look at it. - [INAUDIBLE] - I found it. - What? - [INAUDIBLE] - Yes.