Moment gunman opened fire at house on Salford 'with mum and kids inside' was caught on CCTV

-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)
-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)

The terrifying moment a gunman opened fire at a house in Salford while a 'mum and her kids' were inside was caught on camera. The shocking incident unfolded on Jane Street at around 9pm on Sunday evening (June 30).

The shooting was captured on CCTV footage after a car pulled up outside. Gun shots can be heard in the clip. Bullets appear to hit the front wall of the property, narrowly missing the windows and doors, before the car is driven off.

Shocked neighbours on the street told the Manchester Evening News a woman was in the house with her children at the time. One man said: "I think she was alone in the house with the kids.

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"Someone just pulled up on the street, let shots off and drove off. Everyone came out and the car was gone nowhere to be seen." A woman, who lives in the street with her children, said: "It's rotten. We've got kids as well that play out. My anxiety is through the roof."

One man said his wife had been left 'traumatised', adding: "She was with the kids and was so scared... absolutely traumatised. She is not feeling secure."

Another resident said he heard 'shooting' before a car 'screeched off'. Detectives believe three shots were fired. No injuries were reported and an investigation is now underway into the 'reckless' shooting. An arrest was later made.

Detective Inspector Justin Bryant, of GMP’s Salford crime investigation department, said: "Thankfully, no injuries were reported to us but this was reckless and we are trying hard to establish what has happened that led up to us being called. We are in the very early stages of our investigation and our main priority now is focusing on a white SUV vehicle which was seen in the area around the time of the incident. Finding this vehicle may help us know more about what has happened.

"Extra patrol officers have been deployed in and around the local area both on foot and in patrol cars over the coming days and officers will also be in the area conducting further enquiries to build more of a picture of what has happened. We understand and share the local concern that this incident may cause to those living nearby, in Salford or further afield across Greater Manchester.

"If you have any concerns about this incident, our officers will be happy to provide reassurance and listen to any of your questions. It is so important if you have any information, or saw anything suspicious to come forward and speak to us, whether it is CCTV footage, doorbell footage, photos, or descriptions of the suspects or events, we would ask that you report it to us directly.

"If you have any information or footage that could assist our investigation into this incident, please contact GMP on 101 quoting log 3070 of 30/6/2024. You can also report information via or through the independent charity Crimestoppers - anonymously – on 0800 555 111."