Motorist 'couldn't see the issue' as van driven down the street before being stopped by police

A heap of sofas and mattresses were seen hanging out of the back
A heap of sofas and mattresses were seen hanging out of the back -Credit:GMP Traffic

A motorist 'couldn't see the issue' as their van was driven down the street before being stopped by police in Oldham.

The vehicle was stopped by officers after a heap of sofas and mattresses were seen hanging out of the back on Monday (May 20).

Greater Manchester Police said the van was 'clearly overloaded' and dangerous, but that the driver claimed they 'couldn't see the issue' with the furniture balancing on the back.

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A photo was then shared of a badly corroded number plate at the front which was 'unreasonable' before the driver was reported.

A post shared by GMP Traffic said: "Stopped today in Oldham. Clearly overloaded and insecure, although the driver couldn't see the issue.

"Prosecuted for the insecure load along with having an unreadable front number plate for good measure. One day they may learn #CVU #Saferroads. Rectified roadside."