MP candidate says son attacked 'for no reason' leafletting on Sutton Coldfield millionaire's row

Estate agent and General Election candidate Wajad Burkey has spoken out about the horror ordeal experienced by his son Hamad. The 30-year-old was attacked while delivering election leaflets in a leafy 'millionaire row' in Sutton Coldfield.

A gang said to be armed with a baseball bat and machete assaulted Hamad, also an estate agent, while he was on the election trail in Four Oaks with two friends on Sunday evening. It happened while many were glued to the England v Slovakia Euros match.

Mr Burkey, representing George Galloway's Workers' Party, said: "I am really so shocked by what happened. The community does not feel safe and I do not feel safe either. This happened on a quiet residential street with very expensive detached houses. It was very quiet, the football was going on and my son and his friends were simply putting leaflets through doors. When I got the call to say what had happened, I was very scared. I could not believe it. Hamad kept being sick in the back of the car. It was the worst thing to hear this had happened."

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Conservative candidate Andrew Mitchell said of the incident: "This is truly shocking. Violence and intimidation has no place in our democratic process. I contacted George Galloway last night to express my concerns. If anyone has any information please contact Sutton Coldfield police immediately."

Birmingham elections returning officer Robert Connelly also condemned any incidents of intimidation. This is the most serious of several incidents reported to police during the elections locally. He said: "We are aware of these incidents and such behaviour is wholly unacceptable during any election. However these are a matter for West Midlands Police, who we understand are aware of the reported attacks.”

Hamad was taken to hospital where he was given a CT scan which Mr Burkey said was 'not entirely clear' so he was on 48 hour rest. "He still has a lot of pain and a very large swelling to the back of his head."

Mr Burkey, who also runs the charity Global Relief International, said his son Hamad worked in the estate agents with him. He said that the police appeared to be taking the matter more seriously now it had attracted attention from politicians and the media.

"At the time they did not seem particularly interested, but now there is pressure I very much hope they will find out who did this. In that area, every other house has a camera.

"I really want them to be caught. It had been a really positive campaign until this. I am only here to serve the community, that is my objective. I am a charity man. This has all been such a big shock to me."

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Mr Burkey had previously stood in local elections in Acocks Green and Bordesley Green for the Conservatives. "I left them because of their attitude to what was happening in Gaza," he said. "I did some research and decided to join George Galloway’s party after hearing what he was saying about human rights."

George Galloway, Workers' Party leader, said: I'm stunned to report that our candidate in Sutton Coldfield has had to suspend his campaigning after his canvassers were attacked by men with baseball bats and machetes leaving some, including his son, in hospital."

The incident happened in Beaconsfield Road, Sutton Coldfield, on Sunday evening at about 7.20pm. In a statement police said they were investigating the incident which occurred at approximately 7.20pm on Sunday 30th June. "A man was attacked by a group of people armed with weapons on Beaconsfield Road, Sutton Coldfield, on Sunday. Around eight people arrived on motorbikes and cars before attacking the man with a baseball bat. A knife was also produced during the attack.

"The victim was left with an injury to the back of his head and went to hospital for treatment. We are examining CCTV and carrying out other enquiries."

Anyone with information has been asked to get in touch via Live Chat or 101, quoting 20/630300/24.