NHS healthcare assistants in Leicester strike over years of backpay - 'These are low paid women and we are not giving them the money they are owed'

NHS healthcare assistants (HCAs) were out on strike today in Leicester, with more strikes planned throughout April and May, to fight for backpay if a settlement cannot be reached. Picket lines were held at all three University Hospitals of Leicester (UHL) sites today between 7am and 2.30pm.

The strike, called "pay fair for patient care", is led by trade union Unison who said UHL is refusing to provide HCAs with a fair and reasonable backpay settlement for years of work performed above their band. Although workers were upgraded from level two to level three last month, they have been offered two years and seven months backpay, not the five to six years in line with eleven other NHS Trusts, including Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, they added.

A Unison spokesperson said there are over 800 HCAs affected - the majority of whom are women - striking for backpay for roles that are now being paid at band three but were incorrectly paid at band two for years. A spokesperson from UHL said it was disappointing that Unison had called the strike action when discussions on backpay had not yet concluded.

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Annual pay at level two is £22,383; the bottom of the grade is the same as the top. At level three, pay is £22,816 at entry level, rising to £24,336 at the top of the grade.

Katarzyna Krzysztofik, Healthcare Assistant and Unison representative, said: "Our main reason for striking is backpay because for many, many years we have been working, absolutely being used to fulfil the clinical duties which a band two should never actually do, they should only be expected to do the personal care, so for all of those years we have worked above our band. We were working as nurses (during that time) the only difference being we don't do the medication. So we're doing everything else, we just don't get proper pay."

Debby Taylor, Healthcare Support Worker, said: "I've done all my clinical training and every single manager that I've had, has asked for a pay review for me because I wasn't getting the correct pay and every time I'd been told no, so for me I've been doing duties that are band three but I've only been getting band two pay. So I really want the backpay because it's money that I've earnt. I want to make it clear that we are not striking for a pay rise, all we are doing is striking for the money that's already owed to us. They've offered us two years and seven months, that's not enough. We should have six years' backpay.

Healthcare Assistant Christine O'Leary said: "I think we need to stand up for the bank staff because although the Trust sees them as a worker and not an employee, we actually do have contracts of employment that states that we are employees of UHL. The bank staff are worth the backpay as well as the substantive staff and at the moment UHL are refusing to even talk about the bank staff and give them the backpay that is rightfully owed to them. I started on the bank many years ago, I'm substantive now, but I think they (UHL) need to stop and listen because if it wasn't for the bank staff they would be totally understaffed on the ward.

Sangeeta Doy, who works at UHL and is also Unison's lead representative, has been supporting the HCAs in their campaign. She said: "Just to make it clear to everyone, HCAs are not striking for more pay, they are striking for the pay that's owed to them, so they were incorrectly paid as a band two when they should have been paid as a band three and that backpay for six years is what they are striking for.

"They have not been paid right for so many years and they deserve the backpay that the Trust failed to pay them so this is a strike for getting the money back that is owed to them. All of these workers were paid at band two. As a band two the role is personal care. These people were doing extra duties like observations, cannulations, taking blood pressure readings, things like that and they should have been paid as a band three and they weren't paid that.

"Some of the times when they were not paid right was during Covid and that's really upsetting for someone to understand that how can we all turn up and clap for these people yet not pay for the role they've done. We have over 800 HCAs on the campaign that are fighting for the backpay.

"This impacts so much on female workers. And I want all the women in Leicester to come and support us on the picket line to support this campaign, because every time women have to go out there and fight for what's owed to them. This is their money. If you get overpaid you have to pay it back, so why is it when you're owed money we are given the excuse 'we haven't got the money'? To me, this is a moral campaign. These are low paid women and we are not giving them the money they are owed.

Scott Weightman, Area Organiser, UNISON East Midlands, said: "UHL have had countless opportunities to do the right thing and pay the five to six years backpay which has already been paid to HCAs in ten plus NHS Trusts across the country. UHL need to do everything they can to provide a better deal in line with those already achieved to avert the planned strike action next week."

UHL Chief Nurse Julie Hogg stated: "We value the contribution of Health Care Support workers at UHL and recognise the difference they make to patient care. This is why we initiated a proactive review of job descriptions in 2023 to ensure colleagues are being paid correctly for the work they do.

"As of March this year, everyone identified as working at a Band 3 has been moved to that band. It is disappointing that UNISON has called the strike action when discussions on backpay have not yet concluded. We have robust plans in place to manage disruption to patient services during the action, and continue to engage openly with all unions to reach a fair and equitable resolution as soon as possible."