Ofsted heaps praise on Plymouth school with high expectations

-Credit: (Image: Amy Stanford)
-Credit: (Image: Amy Stanford)

Plymouth High continues to be a good school with a “welcoming community”, says Ofsted. The school inspector said pupils at Plymouth High School for Girls are ‘proud to attend the school’ which has an ‘effective personal development curriculum’ where ‘pupils achieve well’.

The school and Sixth Form, which is a member of the Thinking Schools Academy Trust, was inspected in April 2024 and continues to be ‘Good’ in all areas of Ofsted’s criteria.

Plymouth High School for Girls’ motto of ‘for life, not school, we learn’ was praised by inspectors as a way to reflect ‘the school’s desire for pupils to leave as happy, well-rounded individuals.’

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The high school’s staff also received strong praise for their efforts in preparing pupils for their future aspirations, offering a broad range of subjects and career guidance.

Extra-curricular activities at the high school were also commended, including opportunities to join the student leadership team or to become an anti-bullying ambassador, digital leader, or pupil librarian.

The report for Plymouth High School for Girls applauded the provision across the school, stating:

  • The school has high expectations for pupils’ academic success.

  • Pupils achieve well. They have the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful as they move into further education or employment.

  • Teachers have strong subject knowledge. The curriculum the school delivers is ambitious and well planned. Subject leaders have carefully sequenced the order of units, so pupils build their knowledge successfully over time.

  • Staff have a secure understanding of the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

  • The strong support and career guidance pupils receive enables them, and the students within the Sixth Form, to make well-informed choices about their next steps, with many returning to the school as successful adults to deliver talks.

  • Pupils at the school are mature and articulate. They behave respectfully towards each other.

  • Sixth Form students are viewed as role models by younger pupils.

  • Staff enjoy working at the school and mMany have done so for a considerable number of years.

The report adds that parents of students who join Plymouth High’s mixed Sixth Form from other schools recognise the welcoming environment, allowing them to ‘quickly become part of the Plymouth High family.’

Ofsted inspectors said: “The school reviews its Sixth Form course offer to ensure it meets the needs and interests of students. For example, it has introduced media studies and economics.

“Plymouth High also provides effective personal development to its pupils, with activities centred around learning about important issues such as how to form healthy relationships, online safety, and the risks associated with drugs. The school’s content and delivery are age-appropriate and relevant, which pupils appreciate.”

Simon Underdown, Headteacher, said: “It is fantastic news – this achievement is thanks to the ongoing commitment of both our staff and our students.”

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