Prolific Island offender asks to remain in custody to have "a roof over his head"

Isle of Wight law courts. <i>(Image: County Press)</i>
Isle of Wight law courts. (Image: County Press)

A PROLIFIC Isle of Wight offender asked to remain in prison so he could have “a roof over his head” as he awaits sentencing for further offences after being released out on licence.

Warren Russell, of no fixed abode, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates via video link on Tuesday, June 25.

The 40-year-old admitted three counts of theft, between June 7 and June 16, and a single count of attempted theft, on June 14.

Prosecutor, Liz Miller, said Russell stole and attempted to steal goods to the value of £211.80.

The court heard he took laundry items to the value of £56.60, food to the value of £38.20, and deodorant and toothpaste to the value of £115 from Sainsbury’s.

Ms Miller said he also attempted to steal frozen goods to the value of £20 from Iceland.

The court heard he was out on licence when the offences were committed.

Michael McGoldrick, defending, said Russell had been released from prison in mid-May and made homeless.

He said he had been living in a tent on Ryde seafront, but youths burnt down his tent for a "joke".

Mr McGoldrick described Russell's offences as unsophisticated thefts which did not feature aggression or violence.

He told the bench Russell was at a very low ebb and asked to be remanded in custody.

Magistrates said Russell had an atrocious history of offending, and Russell told magistrates he did not want bail.

He said: “I would rather be in here [prison] with a roof over my head.

“I’ve got nowhere to live.”

Russell was further remanded in custody and magistrates ordered that a pre-sentence report be drawn up.

He saw his case adjourned to July 16 and told magistrates he was “prepared to sort his life out” if they could find him somewhere to live.