School where 'individuality is embraced' gets glowing inspection report

A secondary school in Orrell where ‘individuality is embraced’ has been hailed by inspectors and given an overall ‘good’ rating. In two sub-categories of assessment - behaviour and attitudes and personal development - St Peter’s Catholic High School was said by Ofsted to be ‘outstanding’.

Pupils describe the school on Howards Lane as ‘a welcoming and friendly community’, the report said. “Warm interactions between pupils and staff reflect the positive relationships that they have,” it said. “Staff prioritise pupils’ wellbeing. This helps them to feel happy.

“Pupils are free to be themselves at this school. Individuality is embraced. This is reflected in the rich variety of extra-curricular opportunities in which pupils eagerly participate.

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“For example, they can sing along at karaoke club, catch up with their friends at ‘knit and natter’ or get involved in a wealth of sporting activities.” The inspection team, led by Sally Rix, said that pupils welcome opportunities to support each other, including taking on responsibilities such as being anti-bullying ambassadors or wellbeing champions.

“Others helps their younger peers to learn about important issues such as online safety,” the report continued. “Pupils benefit from training to fulfil these roles effectively.”

It said that pupils across its year groups place a high value on behaving ‘exceptionally well’. “They know that the school expects nothing less,” the report said.

“Pupils learn the importance of being respectful and considerate towards others. Their contact in lessons and around the school exemplifies this learning. Pupils try their best.”

The school provides a broad curriculum for pupils, including for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school provides a formidable programme of personal development that helps prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain,” the report said.

“Meticulous thought has been given to weaving this programme through different aspects of school life. Some of the most vulnerable pupils benefit from additional support to learn about more sensitive issues. Pupils of all ages consider this learning to be important and relevant. They said that ‘it helps us grow as people’.

“The school is a haven of calm.” St Peter’s has a total of 1,046 pupils. It was previously inspected in 2019 when it was also rated as ‘good’.