Teenage girl arrested for assault in Norfolk village

A teenage girl has been arrested after she assaulted another teenage girl in The Fields in Hingham <i>(Image: Google Earth)</i>
A teenage girl has been arrested after she assaulted another teenage girl in The Fields in Hingham (Image: Google Earth)

A teenage girl has been arrested for assault in a Norfolk village.

The girl is suspected of physically assaulting another teenage girl in The Fields in Hingham on Saturday June 29.

Calls were made at 8.05pm to the police reporting the attack, which left the victim with cuts and bruising.

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The suspect was taken to Wymondham Police Investigation Centre for questioning and has since been released on bail pending further investigation.

Officers are also investigating a separate report received on the same day just 25 minutes later.

The incident occurred at around 8.30pm in the same park and saw another teenage girl assaulted.