Sinister Trailer For Live-Action Jungle Book Film Arrives

The epic but rather ominous trailer for Disney’s live-action version of ‘The Jungle Book’ has been released.

Watch it below:

The CGI-heavy footage shows young Mowgli (Neel Sethi) talking to sinister snake Kaa, voiced by Scarlett Johansson. As fas as we know, Mowgli is the main live-action element of the film.

Bill Murray is perfectly cast as the voice of Baloo while Idris Elba is the tiger Shere Khan. Ben Kingsley voices panther Bagheera, Lupita Nyong’o voices wolf Raksha and Christopher Walken plays King Louie.


‘Iron Man’ star/director Jon Favreau directs the adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s classic story.

Interestingly, Warner Bros. has a rival ‘Jungle Book’ project in development that is directed by motion capture expert Andy Serkis and starring Christian Bale and Benedict Cumberbatch.

The Disney version is released in April 2016 while the Warner Bros. iteration arrives the following year.